Muslims’ Unity in Eid Celebration is Paramount
As Salaam Mu Alaykum Respected UlamaMy question is two fold.In CPT the eidul-adgha celebration is celebrated with one part of the community having it with Mecca and the other part with the sighting of the moon. Am marrying a girl who's family and her celebrate with Mecca. 1.Islamically is this correct? 2. As a husband, what can I do in terms of having to celebrate one eid..i.e. we celebrate 1 eid in our household instead of 2. Do I have any right to say that she cant celebrate eid on that particular day. Please advise me on the most diplomatic manner this can be handle from a socail point and more importantly from an Islamic pointShukraanWas Salaam Mu AlaykumMogamad Riedaa