Eavesdropping in Islam
Salam ou 3alaykoumtwo years ago someone started to spread rumors about me according to its I do some act to bother the people around me. En deed I do some of this act but owing of illness and not to bother the others. In the town where I used to live people didn't pay attention to those acts.the local habitant apparently feeling offended: react toward this.After that time has gone and the things were clarified.And now I classified people into those categories:1-people who act normally toward me 2-people who dislike me and don't miss any opportunity to annoy me (in the street, on Tv, in my native town...) 3-people who deal with me with caution and can from time to time ( under the pressure and because of habit apparently ) to do as the second category 4-new people who heard bad rumors from the second category...until now I was dealing differently with this situation trying more to focus on the main purpose of being here (Studies).But recently I had learned about a Hadith in which the Prophet PBUH relates to have sawn in a vision angel pouring liquid lead in the ears of some people an angel said to the prohet PBUH that those people used to listen to those who dislike them.To which limit should I apply this hadith?Jazakoum Allaho khairan