Parents’ Rights in One’s Earnings
Salaam. What is the shariah law on daughters earning money whilst in their parents home? (i.e not married). Does the hadeeth 'Anta wa maalika li abeek' mean one should submit all earnings to their father regardless of the fact that the father is wealthy and is not in need of more money? Or does it mean if parents are in need they are entitled to your money? My father is religious and has money al-hamdulillah. When I started to work and earn money, our relationship changed and he became very bitter with me, his reasoning is that all our money should be put together 'united' even though his money is his and my mother has no role or say in my fathers finances. My parents have had problems for as long as I can rememebr, however the emphasis now seems to be on the money. He makes dua's on us to not have tawfeeq/baraka/health/marriage because he feels we have betrayed him by standing by our mother and speaking up, in addition to not handing over our earnings every month. Please clarify Jazzakum Allahu Khayr