What to choose on controversial issues
As-salaam-u-Alikum. Q. What should one do if he has two more opposite opinions regarding an issue. Should he follow any one of the opinions or should he find an intermediate path and follow it? For example, The issue of reciting Surah Fateha behind Iman during congregational prayer is controversial. Some scholars say that it is compulsary for the follower to recite Surah Fateha behind Imam; otherwise the Salah will be void. That's one opinion. Some says that one should remain quiet behind the Imam. That's second opinion. So we may say that the Salah or Rakahs in which Iman DOES NOT recite loudly, one can recite Surah Fateha. But if Imam is RECITING LOUDLY, he should listen the Imam and should not recite himself. It is the intermediate opinion. ALLAH bless you. I hope that you would have understand my question. Jazakallaah.