
Do Qur’anic Verses Contradict Each Other?

Aslaamu Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakato Dear scholars, I have a question please and I hope I get the answers Insha-Allah.allah said in Sora al-nisa 4:82 that there is not contradiction in the Quran and if there is, then it?s not from Allah. The following verses ??seems?? opposed to each other but I know there should be an explanation for it. For example, in Sora albaqara 2:253 says we prefer some prophets over others and in 2:285 says we don?t prefer one prophet over an other. Also in 6:34 and 15:9 and 18:27 and 6:115 and 10:64 says the word of God cannot be changed. But in 2:79 implies that the word of God can be changed. Furthermore, in 2:106 and 16:101 Allah himself says some verses are changed and deleted. Also 19:16-19 says only one angel spoke to Mary but in 3:42-45 says more than one. Also in 7:27 says Allah chooses the Shaitan to be with humans but in 7:30 says people make the Shaitan their Awle-yaA. Also was Pharaon Drowen or saved? In 43:55 says he drowned and in 10:90-92 says he was saved by his body. Also will the Jews and Christains go to hell or heaven? In 3:85 says anyone who is not a muslim will go to hell and in 5:72-73 also says they will go to hell, but in 2:62 and 5:69 says they will go to heaven. Also in how many days Allah created the heavens and the earth? In 7:54, 10:3, says six days. But in 41:9-12 says eight days. Finally, how was the Human created? In 25:54 and 24:45 says water. A clot in 96:1-2. A clay/mud in 15:26, 32:7, 38:71. From sand/dust in 30:20, and 35:11.Slaamu Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatu, Dubai, U.A.E