The Prophet’s Marriage to `A’ishah
Dear scholars of Islam Peace be with you, I want to ask for your reply to a grave item of the propaganda against Islam: some orientalists and Islam critics say that the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him married ?Aisha when she was just 9 years old and they accordingly claim that the Prophet was ?God forbid- a pedophile! Is being 9 years old enough for any person to marry? Won?t that make that person naturally immature sexually, physically and psychologically?and it is almost certain that puberty cannot be reached at such an age; because I heard some people saying in response that puberty is reached in an early age in hot countries, but actually what I studied and what is certain in physiology (I am a medical student by the way) assures the contrary: that the closer we come to the equator, the later the age of puberty is. Please give me an answer to this question that almost everybody stirs up when to deface Islam when we talk about it and its Prophet peace and blessing of God be upon him.