Are we accountable for inner thoughts?
As-salamu `alaykum.I would like to ask you something what concern waswasah. It is embarrassing issue but it keeps me very troubled. During sexual intercourse with my wife I had really unwanted, sinful, bad thoughts related to God. Sometimes these thought are present during prayer. Somehow I find my self weak and not ready to act properly and promptly in a way to reject those thoughts immediately, but after some time I finally forced my mind to reject them.after a while I do not know did I or did I not act upon them. I know that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:?Allah Most High has forgiven the wasawis that arises in the hearts of the people of my nation until one acts upon them or talks about them" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).so my questions are: Did I commit any sin or not? If yes, what to do? Somehow I feel culpable. Please explain to me as soon as possible!!!thank you a lot !!!As-salamu `alaykum.