Generally speaking, Muslims are recommended to travel and roam the earth seeking lawful enjoyment, better education, and better living standards. However, during the summertime Muslims should try their best to avoid going to places that are rampant with vice and nakedness.
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Al-Shinqiti, director of the Islamic Center of South Plains, Lubbock, Texas, states the following: Many Muslim families living in North America, Europe, and other Western countries complain that they can’t find the pure environment where they can enjoy the summer because of so many indecent influences such as nakedness and the like. If this is the case with Muslims living here, how would it be for Muslims who come from the Muslim world?

Therefore, I totally discourage Muslim families who mainly come in the summer for the purpose of tourism. However, this does not mean that they should not come for learning and seeking experience in a particular field of study.
It is always good for Muslims to focus on Muslim countries that have historic sites, especially the Islamic ones. The best of these places, of course, would be Saudi Arabia where the best Islamic places and holy sites exist. Following it come other countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Morocco, the Islamic sites in Southern Spain and Italy.