Zeinab Al-`Alawani, Instructor of Fiqh and Islamic Studies, Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences, states the following: If we look at the message of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) we will find that violence is completely rejected and repugnant. This is not only in dealing with women, but violence is not accepted even in dealing with animals and other creatures. Violence does not help in building sound human relations. Therefore, it is not a way that Islam promotes.
The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has set the best example in dealing with his wives and daughters. Never was he reported as being abusive to either his daughters or his wives. The prophet, on the other hand, was merciful and compassionate. He never used to beat or hit anyone.
the prophet discouraged domestic violence in many hadiths. He banned it from the first time he arrived Madinah. Even the hadith that is mostly quoted and interpreted by some people as permitting a husband to physically abuse his wife, is to be interpreted and understood in the context of other hadiths. When the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to Madinah, he dealt with Arabs that used to abuse their wives all the time. That is why the Prophet wanted to gradually ban this evil custom. So when `Umar came to the Prophet explaining that people were doing this as a custom and they grew up doing that, the Prophet took this into consideration, and this was a transition period before the final and complete prohibition.
The Shari`ah allows women the right to complain to the Muslim judge or court and report any cases of physical abuse. The judge has the right to discretionary punish those husbands who are proven to be abusive to their wives.
Islam promotes peace in the family, and domestic violence can only lead to destruction and misery of the family. That is why we need to work hardly to stop this habit.“
Shari`ah Stance on Domestic Violence
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