We advise everyone addicted to masturbation to contemplate on the following helpful tips:

1. Observing fasting, because it bolsters one’s faith, preserves chastity, and protects one from evil thoughts.

2. Observing moderation in eating and drinking in order to avoid stimulating your desire.

3. Keeping away from anything that is sexually stimulating, such as pornographic pictures, erotic films and love songs.

4. Choosing good and righteous friends.

5. Keeping yourself busy in worship and spiritual acts.

6. Interacting with activities of the society in such a way that it keeps you away from thinking about sex.

7. Avoiding gatherings and places that bring men and women physically close to each other.

8. Trying to admire natural things such as flowers and beautiful scenery, which do not stimulate one sexually, instead of admiring girls and women.

9. Getting married as soon as possible by staying away from luxuries and unnecessary stuff in marriage and sticking to the basics, and makes no difference whether you are still a student or not as long as you can shoulder the basics of running a home.