Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: Puberty marks the entry to the challenges and responsibilities of life in Islam; it is, therefore, rightly described as the age of taklif or legal obligation. In other words, from this time onwards you are under obligation to perform the religious duties of religion that are considered obligatory on every adult Muslim. Thus five daily prayers, fasting during the month of Ramadan, Zakah if you have income above and beyond your basic expenses, and Hajj if you have both the financial and physical ability become obligatory.
Furthermore, you must also be aware of the specific rules of taharah (purification), which include both major and minor purification. You are advised to consult a basic book that deals with such issues. Islam in Focus by Dr. Hammudah Abd al-Ati should serve as an excellent work to study and refer to on such issues.
However, I mention here one or two points in regards to the major purification that you should be aware of in this stage of your life.
I wish to mention first those rules that generally apply to both genders, males and females, then what specifically apply to females:
1) In the event of seminal discharge in men or sexual discharge in women, regardless of whether it is experienced while awake or while asleep, and regardless of whether it is due to sexual intercourse, masturbation or contemplation of sexual activity, you must bathe completely (perform ghusl) before you can perform Prayer (Salah).
2) In case of madhi (pre-seminal fluid), whether experienced by males or females, during foreplay, or lustful desire, the private parts must be washed thoroughly and wudu’ (ablution) must be performed before you can perform Prayer (Salah).
The following rules are specifically applicable to females:
1) Women are to refrain from Prayer and Fasting while menstruating or while experiencing postpartum bleeding.
2) No sexual intercourse is permitted during menstruation and postpartum period of bleeding; spouses must wait until the bleeding has stopped and complete bathing (ghusl) has been done. There is, however, no taboo on other forms of intimate relations between husband and wife during such times.
Reaching the Age of Puberty: What Are My Duties?
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