Sheikh Muhammad Nur Abdullah, former President of the ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) and member of the Fiqh Council of North America, states: “Wearing make-up in general is part of zeenah or beautification, which is forbidden to be shown to non-maharem. Therefore, a woman cannot wear make-up outside the home, unless, for example, if she is going to a wedding or a gathering where only females will be attending (if she wears a face veil thus she will not wear it in public, and provided that she will not make her eyes look attractive through the niqab). In general a Muslim woman should be modest when she goes in public.
As for wearing make-up in her house or to beautify herself for her husband, a woman should be moderate and should not take extremes in anything. If she maintains this level of moderation, there will not be any harm insha’Allah.”
Girls wearing so much make-up
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