Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “In Islam we are free to wear anything so long it does not fall into one of the following categories:
1. It should not be transparent, revealing the parts of body that ought to be covered.
2. It should not considered as specifically worn by the opposite sex.
3. It should not be specifically a religious symbol of another religion or ideology.
A tie does not fall into any of the above categories. It is not considered as being specifically a Christian attire; rather it falls into the category of customs. As far as customs are concerned, the general rule of Shari`ah is that a custom is deemed innocent unless it has been declared haram. Since there is nothing in the sources to declare it haram, it shall, therefore, be deemed as lawful.
In conclusion: Never be bothered by thoughtless remarks of people. Go ahead and wear the tie if you feel like; it is not considered akin to wearing a cross. May Allah inspire us to speak the truth. Ameen.”
Moreover, we’d like to cite for you the following fatwa issued on this subject:
“It is very doubtful of what is said about the origins of the necktie. However, the wearing of a symbol of a religion other than Islam is not permissible. Therefore, if we know for certain that the necktie is a symbol of Christianity and that it is meant as a cross, then we should not wear it. The fact is that today no one, whether a Christian or a follower of another religion, thinks of a cross when he wears his necktie. It is not only that the shape is not that of a cross, but the linkage does not occur to anyone. Hence, we can discount this suggestion without any hesitation. Large areas of the Muslim world today have adopted the Western style of dress, which include a suit, a shirt, and a tie. In these areas, no one thinks of this type of men’s wear as an imitation of non-believers. Hence, it is permissible to wear it. Similarly, it is permissible to wear it in Prayer.”
Does Wearing a Necktie Represent the Cross?
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