Sheikh Mohamed El-Moctar El-Shinqiti, Director of the Islamic Center of South Plains, Lubbock, Texas, states: Almighty Allah says, “And say good to people.” (Al-Baqarah: 83) He also says, “And tell My servants to say that which is best.” (Al-Israa’: 53)
These two verses are general in their implication, and they teach us to speak good to all people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “The Muslim is not abusive, obscene, or offensive.”
Therefore, muslims doctors should abide by these Qur’anic and Prophetic instructions in dealing with your patients, be they Muslims or non-Muslims. The Muslim can never have a double-faced personality; his character and manners should be the same with everybody.”
Dealing with Non-Muslim Patients
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