Dr. Sano Koutoub Moustapha, deputy chairman of the International Fiqh Academy and professor of fiqh and its principles at the International Islamic University, Malaysia, states: “Indeed, Islam calls upon Muslims to repent to Allah every day no less than 100 times per day as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Islam also reminds Muslims that as Allah is All-Forgiving on the same time He severely punishes those who go against His orders and injections. Surely, Jannah is only meant for those who are clean or have been cleared from all sins. For those who commit sins and neglect repenting or seeking the forgiveness of Allah they will face the punishment for whatever they did. As for their duration in the hell, this in the hands of the Almighty. It is up to Him to forgive them and allow them to enter Jannah later.
accordingly, we must bear in mind that there is no guarantee at all that all Muslims will end up to enter Jannah. Only Allah knows that and only Him will decide that. In this context, one must distance him or herself from those sins which Allah promises that those who commit them will be in hell forever such as killing a Muslim or any innocent human being. I do not stand for those interpretation of verse FOREVER as a long period of time, thus this is in the hands of the Almighty who only knows the duration of punishment of those who commit grave and horrible sins if they pass away without repenting and regretting.
Accordingly, I shall remind all beloved believers to repent to Allah every day and seek His forgiveness and pardon. We shall also strive to avoid committing sins and prohibitions.
Certainly, the hell is not a place one will choose to go even for a just few minutes or seconds! So we shall refrain ourselves from anything lead us to that horrible destination
Abode of sinful Muslims in the Hereafter
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